People of Lockheed Martin: Meet LaDonna

People of Lockheed Martin: Meet LaDonna

Name: LaDonna        

Years at Lockheed Martin: 12 years

What is your current position? I am a Quality Inspector

What are your day-to-day responsibilities? My job deals with ensuring we provide the best quality products. I inspect product parts during assembly and to ensure that we deliver the best results possible for our customers.

Can you tell us about your decision to go back to school? After a few years working in Operations, I made the decision to get my associate degree in industrial maintenance. I was nervous going into it because I was a single mother, I had been out of school for more than 20 years, and I knew that the younger students in the classroom had a huge advantage over me. However, my friends and family kept encouraging me to go back, so I gave it a shot. It took about three years of taking classes here and there to complete my degree, but I did it. At my graduation, my parents and sons were grinning from ear to ear. My dad hardly gets out of the house anymore due to health issues, but he made it a point to be there to witness the first member of the Hill family graduate from college. Thanks to my family’s continued support, I will soon go back to school again to get my bachelor’s degree in engineering physics/industrial technology.

Do you have a will to succeed? Will you stop at nothing to complete a task? If so, think about joining the Lockheed Martin team.