Relearning the Ropes

Relearning the Ropes
June 29, 2022

Going back to work after a career break can be challenging. We are here to help.

We developed the Chapter Next program, a unique opportunity to re-engage and support experienced professionals as they launch their next career chapter after taking a two or more-year career break.

In a 12-16-week paid returnship, participants are aligned with a job that best matches their skills and abilities. Participants receive comprehensive training, professional development and networking opportunities.

Jennifer is a recent participant. She was ready to jump back into the workforce after a 20-year break raising her family. She used to work for Lockheed Martin, so that's where she started her job search and came across our Chapter Next Program.

“It was just such a collaborative and supportive environment when I worked there previously," she said. "So, it was an easy choice to come back.”

During her break, she worked as a caregiver at a daycare. She’s been able to bring the fast-paced organization skills demanded by a daycare teacher to enhance her new role. Jennifer's new job is a control account manager, where she helps programs stay on track, remain funded and be well-staffed.

“A lot of people are hesitant to return to work after being away and are concerned that they might not be able to do the job anymore," she said. "Chapter Next gives you all of the tools, mentorship and resources needed for a smooth transition.”

Hear more about how Jennifer successfully returned to a technical role on the 3,2,1 iRelaunch podcast, which is also available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Soundcloud and Stitcher

Jennifer and Family